The Ministry of Counseling and Christian Maturity (CCM)
Who we are:

We are a non-profit interdenominational Egyptian Christian ministry. We function as a part of the fellowship of the Evangelicals in Egypt. 



To Arabic speaking Friend


 الموقع الأساسي، والذي يحتوي على كل المواد التعليمية، موجود باللغة العربية


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CCM Founded by Moushir S. Fares (M.A. in Christian Counseling from Southwest Bible College & Seminary, Louisiana) in Egypt in 1990 under the title: “Counseling & Inner Healing Ministry”, which has now been changed to the current title to fit more with our ministry philosophy.


Between “Christian counseling” and "Inner Healing"


After a few years of trying to deal with the "Inner Healing" as a therapeutic platform in Christian counseling, I stopped to ask myself this question: “Why change wrought by "Inner Healing" does not last in the lives of individuals, or whether there was really a change has happened?!” that fact I faced day after day in individual sessions in in my counseling room.
I've had people show serious zeal and cooperation not just in prayer and worship time in “Inner Healing” seminars I used to conduct, but they also had many spiritual filled good wishes and good forgiving intentions. But it always seemed that all this was not enough to producing real change and helping them to set foot in the ground. Many have been returning to same previous cognitive & behavioral patterns just as if nothing had happened with them here or there. I always felt that there is something wrong, or at best that there is something essential missing in the philosophy of "Inner Healing" that is making its influence ineffective in the lives of individuals. As if, by analogy Haggai the prophet, “we were collecting into a bag with holes”. These views had led me to deeper examination of the feasibility of "Inner Healing"’s presuppositions and assumptions known to us through the writings and teachings of the leaders of this school, if it is apt to be a school.
In the beginning I’ve made many inwardly cognitive efforts in reconciliation attempts trying to solve this discrepancy between the ideas of "Inner Healing" and both scientific & Biblical principles and assumptions that any counselor accepts, which slowly but clearly had begun to be increasing every day. I was trying to find a new formula for Inner Healing that satisfies both my scientific & Biblical convections. But it seems I was too optimistic in that, for the discrepancy became too vast to be reconciled, until I finally got to the decision to abandon the "Inner Healing" as a philosophy and approach to my thinking and my ministry.
Here I would like to review the six points which I concluded after years of research and experience, and that finally shaped my thinking about “Internal Healing”:


1- "Inner Healing" focuses merely on the healing of the emotions rather than changing thoughts and belief system, which is necessary prior to any changes in emotions or behavior.

2- "Inner Healing" aims and claims merely for emotional pain relief, which God does not always allow it to happen and still expects us to be committed to Him just the same. Many times He uses the pain in our lives to mature us more.

3- "Inner Healing" claims a certain technique of healing the memories that is inappropriately taken from the classic psychoanalysis methods. This technique requires that Jesus goes back with the client, in an imaginary way, to his/her childhood memory and touches those wounded memories to, instantly and miraculously, make sort of healing to the memory of the abuse or hurt. Such technique could not be found working or making any lasting changes with clients.

4- "Inner Healing" approach enriches the sense of victimization of the clients and does not encourage them to take their full responsibility for change. They always waiting for something to happen to them or waiting for their outside environment and circumstances to change in order to receive a change.

5- It was found that the real and lasting healing does not happen in a momentary experience as the Inner Healing technique claims, but it might take years of doing homework to get changed.

6- "Inner Healing" focuses on solving our problems more than finding God through our problems.


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Living testemonies

(From an Egyptian lives in LA)

This is N. H. R., this e-mail is to encourage you to continue your vision. I just listened to the "Rational thinking" Arabic lectures. They amazed me, they are really true and they already changed my way of thinking about things that bring happiness for people. Read more ...

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