Living Testimonies

The blessing of money shortage

"before they call I will answer"

It seems that the crisis started sooner than we expected, but the blessings also did. last week we started facing a problem of shortage in the financial support we need to provide salaries for our staff for the month of February, which was to value of L.E 1500. suddenly we got a phone call from one of the ministry's friends telling us that she wants to make a monthly commitment to our ministry, which she'll pay as a whole per year at the beginning of it. this payment was to the value of L.E 1500! We are used to reading those kind of testimonies in the classic Christian books only. we would've been denied this Godly intervention if we weren't going through a financial crisis. we thank god for the blessing of money shortage.

Moushir Samir

Founder & Director of the ministry

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Living testemonies

(From an Egyptian lives in LA)

This is N. H. R., this e-mail is to encourage you to continue your vision. I just listened to the "Rational thinking" Arabic lectures. They amazed me, they are really true and they already changed my way of thinking about things that bring happiness for people. Read more ...

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